Logical Conclusion

Logical Conclusion

Please note that, of the three logical possibilities, " a great human moral teacher" is not one of them — that Jesus was merely a great human moral teacher is, literally, not logically possible.

It is, however, logical to hold that Jesus was dishonest or insane. However, for most people, after looking at the evidence, these are just not acceptable options.

This logic lesson does not force anyone to accept that Jesus is God, but its logic does reveal that if you don't believe that He is God, you logically must reject the idea that He was a great moral teacher.

C.S. Lewis constructs the argument to force one to accept that Jesus is God, or to accept that this moral teacher is either mad or insane.

A person could accept that Jesus was either mad or a liar, but when you consider His words and life, it does not make sense.


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