Christian Terminology

Christian Terminology

The purpose of this topic is to prevent confusion. When I became a believer, I was extremely confused by all the terms. Hopefully, this will help some.

Some of these terms have a negative or annoying association to some people and I understand why. There is a lot of abuse, hypocricy, and weirdness surrounding the Christian experience.

Synonyms for Becoming a Believer

The following may be some terms and phrases you may have heard in relation to "becoming a believer or a Christian". All of these are technically correct and are various ways of saying the same thing. However, again, many of these terms carry a lot of baggage. For example, you may associate some of them with:

It is unfortunate that you and I both associate something negative with these terms. If I didn't have some of the same associations, I wouldn't have so easily been able to list them out.

My approach is to try and realize why I have that association and simply stick to the Biblical text and look at it with fresh eyes.

Here are some of the terms and phrases associated with becoming a believer:

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